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Plugins for Nagios

1.5 06 feb 2011

This plugin checks APC UPS status using apcaccess. It is based on check_apcupsd 1.2 by Martin Toft and Fabio Milano. I added performance data collection. It has been tested with a few different SMART-UPS and NET-UPS models.

0.2 06 feb 2011

This plugin monitors CPU usage.

0.1 09 dec 2011

This plugin checks to see if ecmread has been collecting data from one or more Brultech ECM devices. It records metrics from each channel of each ECM as performance data.

0.3 21 feb 2011

This plugin monitors memory usage.

0.2 06 feb 2011

This plugin monitors network usage.

0.4 06 feb 2011

This plugin checks SMART attributes using smartctl. It is based on check_smart_attributes 0.9 by Francesc Guasch. It should not be confused with the Python implementation of check_smartmon by fuller. I use this plugin to monitor and graph disk temperatures, watch for bad sectors, and to monitor the pre-fail SMART attributes. I added the ability to query individual attributes and to monitor raw values in addition to the normalized values.

0.3 06 feb 2011

This plugin checks CPU temperature, fan speed, and voltages using lm-sensors. It is based on check_sensors by Mikael Lammentausta. I made it detect multiple CPUs and emit perfdata.

0.1 03 oct 2011

This plugin checks a TED5000 gateway. It uses curl to download the /stats.htm page, then it parses the result to collect Voltage, kVA, Power, and other information as performance data.

0.3 16 nov 2011

This plugin checks the wfrog weather data collection system. It reads the latest data then indicates warning or critical depending on how long it has been since the last data sample. Temperature, humidity, wind, and other data are recorded as performance data.

0.2 19 nov 2011

This plugin checks the wview weather data collection system. It indicates ok, warning, or critical based on how long it has been since the weather data were updated. It can check either the web site generator daemon (wviewgend) or the database status. If DBI::Sqlite3 is installed it will collect weather data and report it as performance data.