Effectiveness of Multi-Media in Accelerating Adoption of Product Development Processes
John Foster

Comparison of Various Media in Teaching Engineering Principles
Peter Lee

Visual Representations of Large Databases with Multiple Parent-Child Relationships
Julie Yang Pelaez

Understanding the Process of Estimating Physical Quantities
Benjamin Linder

A Genetic Algorithm for Resource Constrained Scheduling
Matthew Wall, PhD 1996

Application of a Design-for-Remanufacture Framework
to the Selection of Product Life-Cycle Fastening and Joining Methods

Li Shu, PhD 1996

Automatic Generation and Analysis of Dynamic System Designs
Eng Hock Tay, PhD 1995

A Probabilistic Specification-based Design Model
David Wallace, PhD 1994

A Computer-based Method for Constructing Three-dimensional Surfaces from Sheet Material
Benjamin Linder, MS 1993

A Computer Model of Aesthetic Industrial Design
David Wallace, MS 1991